10 April 2013

Everyday Life #4

Today we start with the music! As always in the 'Everyday Life...' posts actually, but this time I'm gonna write a few words of explanation. Song which I heard in my first year of Uni in the UK + young Brummie band + video (see below) with well known streets and shops which I see everyday - seem to be a good start of post about place where I live. I think that's one of my last month in Birmingham. I can't tell you what's next- because everything will turn out during this holiday, but after all these years Ive spent here I start appreciating more things around me. That's why today you can see more pics of streets than my illustrations! (Well...maybe it's not that bad information acctually hah)

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Dziś zaczynamy muzycznie! Zresztą jak zawsze w postach "Everyday Life...", tym razem jednak jest też kilka słów wyjaśnienia. Piosenka którą po raz pierwszy usłyszałam po zaczęciu studiów w Anglii + młody, miastowy zespół + klip (na końcu notki) z dobrze znanymi mi ulicami i witrynami sklepów które mijam każdego dnia- wydają się być odpowiednim początkiem wpisu o miejscu w którym obecnie mieszkam. Prawdopodobnie to jeden z moich ostatnim miesięcy w Birmingham. Nie mogę na razie zdradzić co dalej, ponieważ wszystko rozstrzygnie się w wakacje, ale po latach spędzonych w tym mieście, chyba w końcu zaczynam doceniać jego wszystkie 'smaczki' i istotne drobiazgi. Dlatego dzisiaj zdecydowanie zobaczycie więcej zdjęć 'z pleneru' niż moich ilustracji (ale w sumie to może i dobrze haha).

My old commissioned illustration for Designer Drugs .

4th on the Bloglovin list - woohoo!
Yesterday I discovered that my blog came in the 4th place on the ART blogs list in the UK and 25th in the international group.
That's really amazing. Thank you all my followers! :)

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4 miejsce na liście Bloglovin - woohoo!
Wczoraj odkryłam, że mój blog jest na 4tym miejscu w kategorii SZTUKA w Wielkiej Brytanii i na 25tym w rankingu ogólnoświatowym.
To naprawdę super wyróżnienie. Dziękuję wszystkiem followers'om! :)

There are actually also the good news for all of you who asked me for more text in my blog posts ;) I don't know why but today I have a lot to say huh! btw. Thank you for all these emails with your questions and opinions! I never expect that people will check out my blog updates so I'm always suprised when I receive a lot of messages from you! Thanks ♥

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Są też dobre wiadomości dla tych z Was, którzy prosili mnie o więcej tekstu w notkach ;) Nie wiem dlaczego,ale coś się dziś rozpisałam huh! Tak przy okazji chciałam podziękować za wszystkie te emaile z pytaniami i sugestiami które dostałam! Nigdy nie oczekuję,że ludzie śledzą mojego bloga więc zawsze zaskakuje mnie spora liczba wiadomości w skrzynce mailowej dotyczącymi bieżących prac! Dzięki ♥

This is what I call 'backstage' of my illustrations :) I've never mentioned about it before but I'm currently working on the really big project based on portraits of interesting people and their lives. That's why I don't have a time for new illustrations lately, but please be patient. I'm not wasting my time ;) I'll write more about it soon , so far I've done the most important thing- I encouraged amazing people to get involved. I hope you'll like the final results of my work cause I'm really excited!

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To jest to co nazywam "backstage'm" ilustracji :) Nie wspominałam o tym wcześniej, ale obecnie pracuję nad sporym projektem bazującym na portretach interesujących ludzi i ich życiu. To właśnie dlatego, nie mam ostatnio czasu na update'wanie bloga i fb nowymi rysunkami, ale bądźcie proszę cierpliwi. Na pewno nie próżnuję ;) Napiszę o tym więcej już niebawem, póki co za mną najważniejsza część projektu- czyli zachęcenie wielu niesamowitych ludzi to włączenia się w moją akcję. Mam nadzieję, że efekt końcowy wam się spodoba, bo ja naprawdę nie mogę się doczekać rezultatów!


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DO ZOBACZENIA WKRÓTCE! Słonecznego (w Polsce- mniej zimowego) tygodnia! :) x


Unknown said...

Miasto wygląda całkiem przyjemnie :)
Jestem tu po raz pierwszy ale podobają mi się Twoje prace :) Powodzenia z projektem

ewa said...

ale genialni ci ludzie z "popaćkanymi" swetrami! strasznie lubię Twój styl rysowania:) pozdrawiam!!! & muzyka dobra!

Liliana Fernandes said...

Parabéns pelo talentoso trabalho.
Beijinho desde Portugal.


Querida amiga Nathalee !!!!

Muito me honrou a sua visita ao meu Blog.
Obrigado pelo carinho para comigo e meus
Trabalhos. Seu Blog é também muito bacana.
Gostei de tudo que vi. Lindo mesmo. Está
de parabéns pela 4A. E 25a. colocação. Já
Sou seu seguidor. Um lindo dia e maravilhosa
Semana para você!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beijos de luz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

POETA CIGANO –11/04/2013

“Poesias do Poeta Cigano”

Obs: Me sentirei lisonjeado se ver o selinho
Identificador do meu Blog. nesse seu belíssimo
Espaço, óbvio, se me permitir.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Farida said...

Hello Nathalee,

Thank you for adding me in the GFC. I am your new follower too :)
Your works are amazing! If I am interested to let you do my header, how much would you do it for me?

Take care,

Marcela said...

Hi Nathalee! Thanks for following, I really love your work, you're so talented <3 Following back :)


Moscow Blogger said...

Grate blog I followed you back with pleasure!

Unknown said...

Beautiful illustrations and nice photos!
Good luck with your big project :)


Eliza Pellicone said...

love rhis post, It's amazing! :)
like your blog,would You like to follow each other ? just let me know dear :)


nikosmous said...

Θερμά συγχαρητήρια απ΄ τη Λευκάδα(Ελλάδα)!
Να ΄στε πάντα καλά και να χαμογελάτε!:-)

Anonymous said...

Hello Nathalee.
Wonderful work with great illustrations and photographs.
Thanks for following my blog!
I follow your blog from now
Hugs and kisses.

Rosa Viñas said...

Hola, gracias por visitar mi blog, tu espacio es impresionante, me gusta mucho lo que haces.
Te sigo


Van-Ivany Fulini Sversuti said...

Bom domingo Brasileiro NATHALEE.
Visual diferente, colorido, inovador!
Tenho um filho em Londres.
Grata pela presença em meu mosaico de amigos/seguidores.
Um abraço

Beatriz Paulistana said...

Bom dia Natalia!!!
Vim agradecer por seguir meu blog.
Menina que trabalho perfeito você desenvolve.
Que Deus continue lhe abençoando e que seu grande projeto seja um grande sucesso.
Fiquei curiosa para vê-lo finalizado.
Já vi que vai ficar show!!!
Tenha um domingo feliz e abençoado.
Bjokas...da Bia!!!
Obs.: Seja sempre muito bem vinda ao meu cantinho virtual...

Sophie said...

Thanks for following me!
Your illustrations are just incredible!
Now following you back :)

Sophie x


Unknown said...

LOOOOOVE your blog, your illustrations are inspirational!
So i nominated you for a versatile blogger award!
Check out the link below:))

AVY said...

Looks beautiful, like spring.



StyleNightcap said...

Nie masz pojęcia, jak bardzo zazdroszczę Ci studiów w Anglii!! Świetne zdjęcia, piękne miasto!

Stephanie Scarpa said...

Amazing illustrations, you're very talented! I just started following you, feel free to follow back if you want to!

/Stephanie / http:// mydarlingsolitude.blogspot.com

Ashley said...

In love with your artwork! Beautiful!
Do you just do digital illustrations? I just started to get into it and I've been using CorelDraw, which is a bit hard to work with...what programs do you use?
Also, I've followed you back! Have a wonderful day! :)

Maddie said...

I just stumbled accross your blog and I love what I have seen so far! You have a great blog filled with many interesting posts.
Maybe you might consider following each other on GFC and Bloglovin? I will wait for you on my blog!


roberto said...

Natalia, muy buenos tus trabajos de ilustración y fotografía. Me gustó recorrer tu blog, dejo mi huella para no olvidar el camino de regreso para visitarte.

Un abrazo desde el otro lado del mar.

ThisGirlLovesChic said...

just came across your blog love it! your super talented ! have a look at mine f you get a chance!

This Girl Loves Chic


Marcela Gmd said...

Beautiful work!!! thank you so much for your visit! I follow you!
Want us to follow by Bloglovin? let me know...
Have a wonderful weekend!

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

Niente di Serio said...

Ur illustration are Amazing :O
I'm really like to follow back u :)


Inez said...

Congratulations on being 4th, really cool blog and images, xoxo.

H O N E Y said...

your blog is so unqiue and beautiful <3 love it!

Vanessa said...

Thank you sooo much for the follow.^^
Follow you back on gfc. Do you also follow me on bloglovin?
Let me know follow you then back again...
Lovely greets

Vanessa said...

Thanks again,for the follow.;)
Follow you back on bloglovin.
Hope you visit my blog again...

Marcela Gmd said...

I follow you by Bloglovin too!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!:))

Nikita Kimistri said...

hi nathalee,

amazing artworks! congratulations. am now following you xo!
would be very happy if you have the time to visit my humble blog ;)

the expatriate's wife

: Green Chic Life : said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing! I came across your blog and am your newest follower. I would love if you’d visit me at : the daily savant : and (if you like) follow with GFC and Blog Lovin'! I have a giveaway on now!

: signe

Nikita Kimistri said...

thanks for the follow, nathalee!

your page is my new favorite spot from now on.. i luv illustrations and creative stuffs. keep up the good work! ;)

Unknown said...

love your blog very-very much! and you draw so cute pics! so I`ve become your new follower!

Unknown said...

So awesome and beautifull, draws and pictures!

I was wondering if you would check my blog out, because I deleted the old, and maybe you would like to follow it again? Of course only if you find it interesting :)

Misterio said...

Me ha encantado!!

Un beso.