26 February 2015


February was a month full of fashionable events around the world, but the Oscars 2015 night was definitely the brightest one. Let's have a look at these beauties again and congratulations to polish winner - 'Ida' film.

Nie mogąc zdecydować się miedzy ilustracyjnym flashbackiem Londyńskiego i Nowojorskiego Fashion Week'a, postanowiłam postawić na coś special i zarzucam dziś małe podsumowanie ostatnich Oscarowych wydarzeń.

Cate Blanchett, illustration based on photo found on heatworld.com
Dakota Johnson, illustration based on Michael Buckner via Getty Images photo.
Agata Trzebuchowska, illustration based on Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP photo.


Jenny said...

These are so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Simply stunning, really is amazing